Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Week FAQs

Why was the 2020 Convention cancelled? 

On June 3, Sigma Delta Tau shared the actions we are taking to become better allies, educate ourselves, and provide learning materials for our members to reject and combat all forms of discrimination and racism. It is our responsibility as members of society to not only be not racist, but to be actively aware, educated, and anti-racist. There is no greater need at this time than education on diversity, equity and inclusion. As such, the Board of Directors decided to cancel the 2020 Convention and instead use that time for beginning this most necessary education. 

Will the Convention Business Meeting still be conducted during its originally scheduled time? 

The Board of Directors will not be hosting a Business Meeting on June 27th as originally planned. Authors of the proposed bylaws amendments have agreed to table voting for a later date. Per our governing documents, the only sorority business that must take place is the approval of our slate of officers. As there were no challenges to the slate, this approval will be conducted electronically. 

Why are we now beginning to address diversity, equity & inclusion? 

As an organization founded by Jewish women in 1917, Sigma Delta Tau has been intimately familiar with discrimination and hate. We have been committed and comfortable speaking against anti-Semitism as it was the clearest thing for us to stand against. However, recent deaths of Black Americans has further illuminated the hundreds of years of hate, injustice, and oppression done unto Black communities and communities of color; we can no longer conscionably rest on the privilege of being against only one form of hate. We acknowledge this and commit to fighting hate in all its forms. On June 3, we sent out a list of promises to not only broaden what we understand as diversity and inclusion, but are committed to educating all of our active members on how to be truly welcoming of all potential members, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexuality, gender identity or religion. 

Who should attend Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Week events? 

Everyone is encouraged to participate in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Week! We have listed the applicable audiences on the schedule. There are events for all sisters, chapter members, chapter advisors, and all volunteers. We are also including a safe-space forum specifically for sisters from underrepresented groups with regards to race, national origin, gender and/or sexuality. 

Is there a cost to any of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Week events? 

No! All of the programming, forums, and speaking events are free.

I still have questions. Who do I contact? 

If you haven’t found an answer in the information provided, please contact nationaloffice@sigmadeltatau.org