Sigma Delta Tau Society Names Annual Award Winners

Individual Awards
We would like to congratulate the following individuals for their leadership:
Lauren Alley, Delta Nu
Stevens Institute of Technology
Outstanding New Member Award
Maria Agostini, Gamma Delta
American University
Outstanding Sophomore Award
Emily Condon, Alpha Theta
University of Maryland
Ruth Metzger Katz Outstanding Junior Award
Zoe Hack, Delta Nu
Stevens Institute of Technology
Outstanding Senior Award
Sydney Schneider, Gamma Lambda
Florida State University
Patricia Jackson Linderman Outstanding Chapter Treasurer Award
Emma Kelley, Alpha Beta
University of Rhode Island
Outstanding Chapter President Award
Hazel Lietz, Alpha Nu
University of Wisconsin
Harriet Burgheim Rodenberg Panhellenic Leader Award
Whitney Prall Gatz, Gamma Lambda
Advisor to Florida State University
Chickie Loewenstein Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award
Tara Olson, Alpha Tau
Outstanding Volunteer Award
Alison Welch, Beta Tau
Shine Bright Volunteer Award*
Alex Chacon, Gamma Eta
Shine Bright Volunteer Award*
*Denotes inaugural recipient
Hall of Fame
Congratulations, also, to the following 2024 graduates for their Hall of Fame induction:
Abigail Giambrone, Phi
Pennsylvania State University
Alexa Rappaport, Alpha Nu
University of Wisconsin
Harper Davis, Alpha Theta
University of Maryland
Hanna Hayes, Alpha Iota
Tulane University
Hannah Tell, Gamma Delta
American University
Alexa Firth, Beta Tau
Rutgers University
Ivy Morton, Gamma Lambda
Florida State University
Kelsey McGuire, Chi
University of Michigan
Molly Bowen, Gamma Upsilon
State University of New York Plattsburgh
Zoe Hack, Delta Nu
Stevens Institute of Technology
Chapter Awards
Chapter Awards are awarded to extraordinary chapters in a variety of areas. Awardees are selected by the Board of Directors based on rigorous annual submissions. We are pleased to recognize the following chapters for their excellence:
Alpha Theta, University of Maryland
Empowering Women Award
Outstanding Scholarship Program Award
Jewish Women International Award
Alpha Iota, Tulane University
Outstanding Recruitment Award
Beta Tau, Rutgers University
Outstanding Chapter Program Award
Outstanding Recruitment Award
Gamma Delta, American University
Philanthropic/Fundraising Award
Gamma Lambda, Florida State University
Outstanding Alumnae Programming Award
Delta Nu, Stevens Institute of Technology
Sisterhood Programming Award
Outstanding Alumnae Programming Award
Eta, University of Georgia
Prevent Child Abuse America Award
Chi, University of Michigan
Community Service Award
Prevent Child Abuse America Award
Diamond Chapter Awards
Finally, we delight in sharing our Diamond Chapter recipients for 2024. The highest honor bestowed upon chapters, the Diamond Chapter designation is awarded to chapters for exceeding Sigma Delta Tau’s standards for achievement and excelling both on and off campus.
The recipients of this year’s Diamond Chapter Awards performed above and beyond in all areas of chapter operations. They truly shined their light in the areas of scholarship, recruitment, programming, leadership development, philanthropy and administration.
Congratulations to Sigma Delta Tau’s 2024 Diamond Chapters:
Alpha Theta
University of Maryland
Beta Tau
Rutgers University
Gamma Delta
American University
Gamma Lambda
Florida State University
Gamma Phi
York College of Pennsylvania
Gamma Rho
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Delta Epsilon
Emory University
Delta Omicron
Kent State University
Delta Pi
Stockton University
Sigma Delta Tau is immeasurably proud of each of the award winning individuals and chapters. We’re grateful for the ways our sisters shine together to make the world brighter.