Programs and Leadership

Sigma Delta Tau creates an extended family relationship for members – the home away from home – on campus. The sorority experience gives members the opportunity to grow personally and professionally throughout their membership.

Our organization has created diverse opportunities for each young woman to become involved in her chapter and on campus. Our educational programming, starting with the New Member Experience, covers various topics including belonging, safety and wellness, identity and leadership development, healthy relationships and more. Sigma Delta Tau provides a variety of opportunities for learning and relationship building through national sorority events, SDT signature programming and immersive leadership experiences to continue investing in our members’ growth.

She may choose to pursue a leadership position within the chapter by serving on the Executive Board, Director Board, on a committee or more. These positions are designed to help members develop various transferable skills sets that will serve them in their future personal and professional endeavors. Serving as a chapter officer provides an opportunity for members to work more closely with the national office, advisors and specialists.

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Events & ProgramsCollegiate members

Health and Safety

The health and safety of your daughter is of the utmost importance to Sigma Delta Tau, as emphasized in our Risk Management Philosophy. You can learn more about specific obligations of membership and our alcohol and drugs, hazing and membership policies below. To report a member safety concern or violation of these policies, visit our Report a Violation page or contact the National Office by emailing or calling 317-846-7747.

Our Risk Management Philosophy

Sigma Delta Tau is committed to empowering each member to reach her fullest potential by enriching the experience of women with similar ideals, building lasting relationships, promoting civic responsibility and fostering personal growth. In order for members to reach their fullest potential, Sigma Delta Tau upholds the following Risk Management Philosophy:

  • All members are expected to follow local, state, and federal laws, university policies; and uphold the values, policies and expectations of Sigma Delta Tau.
  • All members are responsible for making decisions and taking actions that promote a culture of care and accountability, and that prioritize the safety and well-being of themselves, their sisters, their chapter and their campus community.
  • When risk, safety, or policy issues occur, we intentionally engage undergraduate members, volunteers and staff in a collaborative effort to identify and fix the root causes of those issues. We do so by adopting a public health approach: 1) define and monitor the problem, 2) identify risk and protective factors, 3) develop and test prevention strategies and 4) ensure widespread adoption of effective strategies.

We believe when we provide opportunities for meaningful reflection, education and training, we reduce the likelihood in which risk, safety or policy issues occur. We also believe that member accountability – for both undergraduate and alumnae members – is essential to the long-term health of our chapters. Ultimately, this philosophy helps us to support a meaningful sorority experience that empowers members to make responsible, informed decisions aligned with Sigma Delta Tau’s purpose and organizational values.

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Obligations of Membership

Lifelong membership in Sigma Delta Tau comes with benefits, privileges and responsibilities. Each member of Sigma Delta Tau is responsible for fully understanding and complying with Sigma Delta Tau’s policies and membership expectations.


Members of Sigma Delta Tau hold themselves to a high academic standard. To remain in good chapter standing, members must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and be enrolled as a full-time student. Each of our chapters have an Academic Development officer who provides sisters with support and resources to promote their academic success and achieve their educational goals.


Members are responsible for paying national and local chapter dues and fees each semester to support Sigma Delta Tau operations and programming. Each chapter maintains its own budget and sets its own local dues and fees, which vary by differences in location, housing, meals, dues and collegiate events and programming.

Time Commitment

Like any personal or professional opportunity, members get out of Sigma Delta Tau what they put into it. Joining Sigma Delta Tau requires a commitment of time to attending chapter meetings and sisterhood activities, supporting SDT’s philanthropic efforts, engaging in programming and learning opportunities and more. Beyond required chapter participation, members are empowered to seek out additional leadership opportunities within Sigma Delta Tau, which may result in additional time commitments and responsibilities.

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FINANCIAL COSTSFAQsPhilanthropic Partners