SDT members holding greek letters

Immediately upon joining Sigma Delta Tau, you’ll participate in SDT’s New Member Experience – a suite of programs and activities designed to support new members as they are welcomed and socialized into initiated membership. Through sisterhood experiences, discussion sessions and teaching lessons, you’ll forge stronger connections between Sisters and deepen the understanding of the history and heritage of Sigma Delta Tau within a meaningful, fun and timely experience. This program was officially launched in spring 2023.

After initiation, you’ll participate in weekly chapter meetings, fun social and sisterhood events, philanthropic service, leadership opportunities and so much more. You can participate in National Events like Convention, where you’ll meet Sigma Delta Tau sisters of all ages. You can build your leadership skills by taking on a leadership role in your chapter, applying to be on SDT’s Collegiate Leadership Team or attending Elevate. And of course, you’ll be expected to uphold Sigma Delta Tau’s membership policies and expectations in all you do.

Like most things, you will get out of your Sigma Delta Tau experience what you put into it. We hope you take advantage of all the opportunities afforded to SDT members. And remember, from being a new member, to initiated member, to chapter leader, to senior, to young alumna – you are helping Sigma Delta Tau to shine brighter than ever before!