One Hope Fund

Grants from the One Hope Fund are for collegiate and alumnae women facing difficulty due to an unforeseeable circumstance, such as unexpected financial distress, serious health issues, consequences of natural disasters or urgent family crisis. Please note this Fund cannot be used to pay membership dues for Sigma Delta Tau.

General Hardship Application

If you are in need of financial assistance due to an unforeseen circumstance or illness, please complete the application below that aligns with your current member status.

Collegiate Application Alumna Application

Disaster Relief Assistance

One Hope Natural Disaster Grants may be awarded up to $250 per disaster per recipient to both undergraduate and alumnae members in good standing who need assistance with essential expenses due to a federally-declared disaster. No repayment is necessary. Grants are limited by available resources and number of applicants.

Note:  Funds cannot be used to pay for chapter dues or other social related expenses.

Natural Disaster Grant