Our Leadership
Sigma Delta Tau is governed by an elected National Executive Board. These leaders are elected biannually at the National Convention. The National Executive Board is responsible for the vision, strategy, and oversight of the organization.

Emily Freed
National President and NPC Council of Delegates
- Chapter: Alpha Epsilon—Purdue
- Lives in: Kalamazoo, Michigan
- Years as a Volunteer: 19
- Profession: Quality management, healthcare
- Fun Fact: I got engaged in the Rose Garden of the White House.

Daryn Foster
National Vice President
- Chapter: Gamma Mu—Northeastern
- Lives in: New York, New York
- Years as a Volunteer: 12
- Oversees: Chapter and Regional Support, Risk Management
- Profession: Digital marketing
- Fun Fact: I am an SDT legacy!

Rebecca Lipschutz
National Vice President
- Chapter: Alpha Iota—Tulane University
- Lives in: Atlanta, Georgia
- Years as a Volunteer: 10
- Oversees: Formal/Informal Recruitment, Jewish Partnerships
- Profession: Clinical Psychology
- Fun Fact: I did ballet for 12 years.

Amy Rodnick
National Vice President
- Chapter: Beta Beta—Michigan State
- Lives in: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
- Years as a Volunteer: 14
- Oversees: New Member Experience, Retention, Chapter Officer Training, Philanthropy, Extension
- Profession: Sales
- Fun Fact: I have two daughters who are competitive dancers, which makes me a dance mom extraordinaire!

Jess Ryan
National Vice President
- Chapter: Gamma Eta—South Florida
- Lives in: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Years as a Volunteer: 11
- Oversees: NPC Chief Panhellenic Officer, Chapter Panhellenic Support, DEI Programming
- Profession: Higher education (fraternity and sorority life)
- Fun Fact: I’ve thrown the first pitch in a minor league baseball game.

Kimberly (Kimmi) Teller-Foss
National Vice President
- Chapter: Beta Tau—Rutgers
- Lives in: East Windsor, New Jersey
- Years as a Volunteer: 10
- Oversees: Signature Programs, Alumnae Engagement and Programming, National Convention
- Profession: Nonprofit strategy and philanthropy consulting
- Fun Fact: I’m a big DIYer, and I love tackling new projects. With a little help and guidance from my dad, I’ve done everything from basic painting to tearing down walls.

Jillian Gallagher
National Vice President
- Chapter: Kappa—Illinois
- Lives in: Chicago, Illinois
- Years as a Volunteer: 11
- Oversees: Volunteer Recruitment, Engagement, Training, and Recognition
- Profession: Women health physical therapist
- Fun Fact: My senior superlative was “Most ObsesSDT.”

Meredith Tiras Mitnick
- Chapter: Mu—USC
- Lives in: Los Angeles, California
- Years as a Volunteer: 17
- Oversees: Financial Oversight
- Profession: Learning and organizational development
- Fun Fact: I was in the marching band in college and got to travel internationally to play to places including China, Italy and Brazil.

Margaux Manley Lima
Immediate Past National President
- Chapter: Alpha Mu—Miami
- Lives in: Washington, D.C.
- Years as a Volunteer: 21
- Oversees: Organization Bylaws, Ritual, Ceremonies
- Profession: Higher education and executive coaching
- Fun Fact: I want to visit all 50 states. I have seven to go. I got to visit 17 thanks to my Leadership Consultant year!