ΣΔΤ Blog

The BeSDT Sisterhood Event Ideas, by Kelly Potts

By SDT Headquarters,

kelly potts SDTmemoryjarEach semester, every organization has a lot on their plates when it comes to recruitment, philanthropy, programming, and everything else involved with being a successful part of the Greek community. In the midst of all of that, it can be easy to forget what makes your chapter so special and that you cherish each and every sister and what SDT has given you. That’s why it’s so important to have sisterhood events to rekindle the friendship torch and make even more good memories. Here are a few great ideas for sisterhood events that everyone in your chapter will enjoy.

  1. A Memory Jar– A sisterhood event that spans over the whole semester may seem daunting but the end result is guaranteed to be fun and sentimental. At each chapter meeting, pass around a decorated jar that sisters can fill with tiny notes that have fun, meaningful, and cute memories written on them. At the very last meeting of the semester, or a planned sisterhood event, read through them together and reminisce on all of the memories you’ve made!
  2. A Trust Exercise– Trust is the core quality of having a great and successful sisterhood. Build up trust in your chapter by having an event that allows each sister to reveal the events of her past that make her who she is today. Pass around a candle, or something similar, and allow whoever has the candle to let anything she wants off of her chest. Whether it’s positive experiences or hardships, each sister will enjoy having the chance to get to know each other on a deeper level.
  3. A Teamwork Experience– An event that requires both teamwork and sisterhood is sure to be fun for everyone! Using large poster paper, create a huge puzzle. Give each sister a piece of the puzzle and encourage her to write why she loves SDT or why she went Greek. Then, have your chapter work together to find the pieces that fit together and complete the puzzle.
  4. A Loving Note– This event requires printed out pictures of each sister that are glued onto a bigger piece of card stock and then decorated however you please! Spread out all of the framed pictures on tables, leaving pens all around for sisters to write notes to each other. Have your chapter come to this event kelly potts picture framesready to indulge in some snacks and refreshments and then surprise them with the pictures. They’ll love the idea of brightening someone’s day with a friendly note and reading all of the amazing things their sisters had to say about them.



kelly potts blogKelly Potts, Gamma Xi- Montclair State University, is a senior studying English and Journalism. Aside from SDT, she loves blogging, reading, and exercising, and hopes to pursue a career in fashion journalism.

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